1. Turning the thermostat up to a higher temperature will heat your home faster/Dialing the thermostat down to a lower temperature will cool your home faster.
No matter how high or how low you program the thermostat it will take the same amount of time to heat/cool your home. This method will only increase your monthly utility bills.
2. A space heater can save you money.
There are times when electricity costs more than natural gas, this means that your space heater could potentially cost several times more than running your furnace.
3. Ceiling fans are for warm weather, not during the winter.
Ceiling fans can be used year-round. In fact, ceiling fans have a switch that reverses the blade direction depending upon whether it is hot or cold out. Simply switching the fan into the reverse setting during the colder weather will help keep your home warm.
4. A big HVAC system is the best.
Bigger is not better in terms of the HVAC system. A system that is too large will continue to cycle on and off, which will cost you more money to operate. Conversely a system that is too small will also continue to cycle on and off, costing you money. The constant cycling can also decrease the lifespan of the unit.
5. Closing vents in unused rooms will increase energy efficiency.
Closing vents in unused rooms will increase air pressure in the ducts, which can then cause leaks at the vent seams.
6. The location of the thermostat doesn’t make a difference.
If you place your thermostat near a heating/cooling vent, or in the direct line of the hot summer sun shining through the window, or near a drafty window can cause your unit to run when it doesn’t need too or it may run longer than it needs to run. Increasing your monthly bills and shortening the lifespan of your unit.
7. Annual, routine maintenance isn’t necessary.
The HVAC system is a complex mechanic system that requires annual tune-ups and cleanings to keep it operating at peak efficiency. Annual checks of both the AC and furnace can potentially avoid problems. Additionally, most newer units require annual maintenance in order to keep the warranty valid.
8. Cover the outdoor AC unit for the winter.
Covering the outdoor unit will seal in moisture, which will speed up corrosion of the unit. Winter-proofing your AC unit is as simple as placing a board over the fan.
Schedule your Fall 2019 Annual System Check, schedule now.
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