Rooter services play an essential role in preventing devastating plumbing emergencies. However, many homeowners may feel uninformed about what rooter services entail and how these services can help their properties. Rooting refers to the process of removing tree roots and other major obstructions that have invaded or clogged your pipes, sewer lines, or plumbing drains. Since underground blockages can have a negative impact on your plumbing system, professional rooting uses custom techniques and industrial tools to clear the clogs and restore efficient water flow. A comprehensive look at contemporary rooter services can help you make an informed decision about scheduling this type of maintenance service for your home plumbing.

What Are the Origins of Rooter Services?

Understanding the origin of the rooting service can provide insight into how it became an integral staple of home plumbing maintenance and care. The term “rooter” originated in the early 20th century. During the 1930s, invasive tree roots represented some of the most detrimental risks to home pipes. These invasive roots punctured and destroyed sewer lines, damaging properties and exposing home occupants to bacteria and other health risks. To solve the problem, plumbers began using handmade tools called “rooters” to weave through pipes, chopping and removing the roots that destroyed sewer lines. The original rooter device became the forerunner of the modern-day plumber’s snake for residential pipes and drains.

In the 21st century, rooter services refer to a combination of advanced methods, technology, and tools that remove clogs and obstructions from plumbing. Professionals may use the term rooter interchangeably with snaking technology and camera inspection tools that help maintain your pipes. Not only do modern rooters help remove invasive tree roots from sewer lines, but they may also remove obstructions like dirt, grease, hair, and mineral buildup as well. Plumbers also use modern rooters in conjunction with innovative tools like pressurized hydro-jetting to break down clogs and remove excess debris.

What Are Signs That You Need a Rooter Service?

The condition of your residential plumbing network depends on strong and unblocked pipes that allow water or waste to flow through without disruption. Unfortunately, anything from soap scum to food scraps can cause debris to accumulate within pipes and result in unwanted clogs. And for sewer lines, even non-organic materials like “flushable” wipes can create clogging since these items do not naturally disintegrate within the system. When enough buildup deep within your system has resulted in obstructions, there are often telltale signs that it is time to request rooter servicing. Indications that you may need a rooter service can include the following:

  • Gurgling sounds from the plumbing
  • Foul odors from drains
  • Persistent clogging from various pipes
  • Sewage backflow
  • Slow-moving drains
  • Low water pressure or water temperature issues
  • Problems with water-based appliances such as water heaters

Homeowners who notice issues should have a professional investigate the trouble. Ignoring the warning signs can allow problems to escalate into full-blown system emergencies that damage your property and personal belongings.

What Happens During Rooter Service?

Once you have scheduled a rooter service, a trained professional will arrive to evaluate the issue. Using a range of advanced equipment, the plumber can pinpoint the source of the problem. This equipment may include a probing camera and other video camera inspection tools. Camera inspections use a snaking device that transmits video or images so a specialist can see tree root intrusions or any other obstruction that has blocked your plumbing or sewer line. This allows the plumber to locate the problem without invasive techniques like digging up your property, and it may also stop obstructions like tree roots in their tracks before they can puncture sewer lines or plumbing. In addition to the video inspection, the specialist may test plumbing fixtures or lines to identify any specific malfunctions or failures.

After the assessment and inspection process, it is time to address any disruptive blockages or clogs. Most plumbers use snaking devices or cables to capture clogs and safely remove them from your pipes. For particularly stubborn clogs or mature tree roots, the plumber may also need to use hydro-jetting to blast through any obstructions. If portions of your piping system are cracked or corroded, the plumber may discuss pipe repair options to fix the damage. In the most severe cases, some homes may need to follow up rooter services with re-piping or line replacement. This happens when pipes or lines have collapsed or undergo irreparable damage. For most properties, however, consistent rooter service appointments can help prevent the piping system from reaching this negative state.

What Are the Benefits of Using a Rooter Service?

There are several advantages of scheduling a professional rooter service. For many homeowners, the chief benefit is preventing future plumbing problems. Using a rooter service periodically can help prevent the accumulation of gunk that impedes water flow and stops the efficient performance of your system. Another key benefit is the ability to save money in the long run. Allowing your system to break down or corrode can lead to costly replacement expenses. Periodically scheduling a rooter service is a small investment that can help you avoid unexpected plumbing emergencies that take a considerable chunk of your budget.

For example, a significant obstruction can block your mainline and ultimately affect every drain in the house, or a large tree root can invade a primary sewer line and cause backups throughout the home. The last thing any homeowner wants to deal with is sewage backing into every bathroom of the house. Even the bursting of a main pipe is far from harmless. It is far simpler to schedule a rooter service and remove any obstructions long before the risks reach this point.

Another benefit of a rooter service is the removal of health and safety risks associated with microorganisms and bacteria. When a clog or blockage causes backups into the home, all home occupants may find themselves exposed to harmful germs and toxins. Rooter services lower the likelihood of backups and help protect your family from harmful sewage or unclean water. Another positive effect is that rooter services may remove foul or noxious odors resulting from stagnant water or untreated blockages in pipes. Finally, clogs or obstructions can result in plumbing emergencies like flooding, increasing the home’s risk of mold and mildew. A heightened number of mold spores in the home is a health hazard and can exacerbate pre-existing medical conditions like allergies, asthma, or respiratory illnesses. By eliminating the factors that make your home a breeding ground for mold, you can help promote a healthier environment for everyone living there.

Contact Us Today

A rooter service is a practical type of plumbing maintenance that can help keep your system in excellent condition. Whether you suspect you have clogged drains, toilet systems, or sewer lines, a plumbing company specializing in rooter services can help. TR Miller Heating, Cooling & Plumbing provides plumbing services for homes in Plainfield, IL and surrounding areas. We offer rooter services, video inspections, sewer clearing, and drain cleaning. Our plumbers also provide toilet installation and repair as well as pipe repair. We work with every type of pipeline, including water, gas, and sewer lines. In the most severe cases, we can also perform re-piping or installation of a new system. No matter the issue, we can help. Contact TR Miller Heating, Cooling & Plumbing today for all your plumbing needs.

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