When winter sets in here in the Chicago suburbs, frigid temperatures are inevitable, and our warm homes are our oasis. That means our furnaces are working overtime to keep us comfortable, but sometimes, your home may not be as warm as you want it to be. Then you crank up the furnace even more, which can mean skyrocketing energy bills.

Fortunately, there are many steps that you can take to keep your home warm and comfortable while keeping your heating bill in check.

1. Seal Your Windows and Doors

Windows and doors are where cold air can penetrate the most due to gaps and cold air that can radiate through the glass. Closing these gaps can make a big difference in the temperature inside your home. You can do this in several ways:

  • Apply weather stripping
  • Caulk any remaining small cracks and gaps
  • Install door sweeps to block drafts
  • Cover your windows with plastic. You can find kits at your local hardware store.

2. Let in the Sun

The sun is a natural heat source, so on sunny days open up the curtains and let it in. The heat will take some of the burden off of your furnace. If it provides enough heat, you may even be able to turn down the thermostat.

3. Close Curtains and Blinds at Night

Once the sun goes down, close your curtains and blinds to keep in the heat from the sun, and to keep out the cold air.

4. Upgrade Your Insulation

Insulation is key to keeping your home as warm and comfortable as possible. You can improve your insulation in several ways.

  • Insulate hot water pipes
  • If you have an unfinished attic, add fiberglass batting to uninsulated surfaces
  • Replace light fixtures with airtight recessed lights
  • Have a professional put blown insulation into your walls. They may be able to find other ways to add insulation to your home as well.

5. Find and Seal Other Leaks

Air leaks are a leading cause of wasted energy and can account for up to 10% of your energy bills. You can use caulk or spray foam insulation to seal gaps that allow cold air to come into your home. These gaps may include:

  • Gaps around openings where pipes, wiring, or ducts enter your home
  • Electrical outlets or light switches on exterior walls (install foam gaskets to insulate)
  • Your kitchen exhaust fan
  • Skylights

6. Use Your Ceiling Fans

Using your ceiling fans to distribute the heat around rooms can make your home feel warmer and allow you to turn down the thermostat. You just need to switch your ceiling fan to the clockwise direction. Keep it on low and turn it off when you’re not in the room.

7. Consider a Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat allows you to program your desired temperatures, and to adjust your temperature from anywhere. This can come in handy when you’re on your way home and want to warm up the house before you arrive, or when you leave your home and forget to turn down the thermostat.

8. Change Your Furnace Filter

When your furnace filter is dirty, your furnace has to work harder to push air through the system. Changing your furnace filter regularly is one of the easiest ways to keep your home warmer and reduce your energy bill, sometimes by as much as 15%. Clean filters also improve your indoor air quality and can extend the life of your HVAC system. You should check your filter monthly, more often if you have pets, and replace it if it’s dirty.

9. Seal Ducts

Broken seals on your ductwork can mean that heat leaks into spaces behind your walls or above ceilings, which can reduce the heat in living spaces and unnecessarily increase your energy bills. Checking and fixing broken seals can prevent this from happening. Duct tape, ironically, is not the best sealing option. Effective duct sealing can involve several different materials and methods.  Insulating ducts can also make a difference. To achieve the best results, it’s best to turn to a professional.

10. Use a Space Heater

You can use space heaters to heat the rooms you use most and turn your thermostat down. Sometimes people do this at night, heating only the bedrooms. Be sure to get space heaters that have safety features and that are thermostatically controlled, and follow any safety directions.

11. Don’t Let Heat Escape Through Your Fireplace

When your fireplace is not in use, be sure to fully close the damper to keep out cold air. You can also install tempered glass doors and seal any gaps with caulk. If you don’t use your fireplace, you can plug and seal your chimney flue.

12. Clean Vents and Ducts

Dust and debris can collect in your ducts and vents which restricts airflow and has a substantial negative impact on your HVAC system’s effectiveness and efficiency. Cleaning your vents is fairly simple, and you can do so by vacuuming debris from the vent covers or washing the vent covers with soap and water.

Cleaning ducts is a little more complicated. You need a high-powered vacuum to remove dust and a stiff brush to scrape away debris, which makes duct cleaning a job that’s generally best to leave to professionals.

13. HVAC Professional Cleaning and Maintenance

The best way to ensure that your HVAC system is ready for cold temperatures is to have your system professionally inspected, cleaned, and serviced. Doing so will allow your furnace to operate effectively and efficiently.

An inspection, cleaning, and servicing will include (but not be limited to) the following:

  • A filter check
  • Air flow adjustments
  • Leak check
  • Cleaning and adjustments of all furnace components
  • Drain inspections
  • Lubrication of parts
  • Cycle check
  • Thermostat inspection
  • Heat exchanger inspection
  • Wiring test and adjustment
  • Flue inspection and clearing
  • Check of carbon monoxide levels
  • Gas line check
  • Sensor check

TR Miller Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing Can Help

Following some simple tips can keep your home warm and cozy and save you a considerable amount of money over time. Some tasks you can do yourself, while others require the advice and assistance of professionals.

TR Miller Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing has been serving the needs of suburban Chicago residents since 2008. We are a family-owned company, so we understand the needs and concerns of our customers. Our certified technicians are highly trained in the maintenance, cleaning, repairs, and replacement of heating systems, and our entire team is dedicated to ensuring your family’s comfort.

We’d be happy to listen to your heating needs and review your options with you. Give us a call today!

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